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It is our desire to fuse environmental friendly energy solutions for people in the future. Our services includes the planning, designing and the installation of solar generation systems. Our services include the designing and installation of solar generation systems.

Types of Solar Systems we offer:

  • Off-Grid Solar System Solution: Harness continuous energy from the sun in the day-time and shift to utility source at night. Best for tube-wells.
  • Off Grid Solar Solution (with back-up): Power up your appliances 24/7 via solar system; photovoltaic cells in day-time and charged batteries at night. Best for villages and remote areas.
  • Grid-Tied Solar Solution: Be a part of the national grid or local generation system and share your part in green energy along with generator fuel-cost and maintenance savings. Add energy to the grid for future use. Best for industrial solar solution.
  • Grid-Tied Hybrid Solar Solution: Share your part of the photovoltaic energy with the utility to create balance in your excess electrical bills along with limited back-up storage. Utilize the stored energy in grid at night. Best for residential solar systems.

Substantial & Long-Running Benefits:

  • Get Rid of Load Shedding,
  • Get rid of generator maintenance, fuel surcharge and other hassles,
  • Reduce your bill
  • Contribute your part in Green Energy- Create a better tomorrow, a better planet.
  • Save Electricity Costs
  • Cut Carbon Foot Prints
  • No Upfront Costs
  • No Generator Starting and Fuel Hassles
  • Green Energy
  • No Load Shedding

Photo-Voltaic System Consultation

  • Site surveying and assessment
  • Technical and economic feasibility
  • Installation and commissioning
  • Operations, maintenance and system monitoring


Easy Steps

It is completely green & clean, and we can enjoy that renewable energy for as long as the sun comes up. Our professional team is here to help you find out how solar is right? for your home, business, and industry.

Take a survey location

Our workflow starts with a face-to-face consultation with the client, followed by a site assessment to determine whether your property is suitable for solar panel installation.

Estimate your budget cost

Develope your project

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