Workshop Services

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Workshop Services

Technob shop manufactures SS/MS/GI fabrications, machining and repair-maintenance services. (Manufacturing of control panels and cable trays/ladders). Switchgear Services carries out onsite and workshop refurbishment, maintenance, servicing, testing and repairs of switchgear and circuit breakers of any description.

Our workshop and test area are specifically designed for the switchgear makers industry, and plays a significant part in giving the prompt and effective assistance expected by our clients all through the Pakistan.

Our comprehensive range of low-voltage electrical switchgear solutions includes:

  • Main and sub main boards
  • Sub distribution boards
  • Changeover systems
  • Multi-metering switchboards
  • MCC switchboards

Our Workshop Services Include, But Aren’t Limited To The Following:

  • In-shop Breaker Repairs
    LV & MV Breaker Refurbishment
    LV Breaker Retrofits
    • Onsite Switchgear Maintenance & Testing
    • Onsite Breaker Training
    •New Equipment Commissioning
    • Transformer Testing
    • Cable Testing

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